

After we had sent out our date saver email, we were told that most of them went straight to junk mail.  We weren't sure why that happened but we're guessing that it's because we have included our website and it filtered the email as spam...?

Anyway, we apologize for any surprise invitation cards in your mailboxes.  =)  But here is what was in the email.

We took these pictures ourselves and Kerry edited them in Photoshop. 

$$$:  Saved!
Camera used:  Panasonic Lumix ZS5

For five straight days, we had gone to bed at 2:00 am printing, cutting, folding the invitations, and made our carpet sticky from the spray adhesive.  Yeah, we thought it would be nice to walk around our office bare feet on it… eww, TMI!  Anyway, they were handmade and carefully designed by Kerry from scratch down to the tiniest detail – and yes, even the envelopes were handmade.  =D  I thought I’d let you guys know that.  What a pro!  And I am just proud of him!  <3

So, for most of you who have gotten them already, thank you for sending the response cards back with your names on it.  ;)  And for some of our dear friends, Michael’s ran out of paper so our “invitation production” had stopped for a while and will be back in business of getting them out soon.  =)  

That’s it for now! 

Your DIY Bride


    December 2010
    November 2010
    October 2010
    August 2010



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